Campari & Mercuri International
Mercuri’s training approach has revolutionised the way that Campari applies training in terms of both format and scale, with the digital learning path opening up possibilities to reach a much wider audience.
Mercuri’s training approach has revolutionised the way that Campari applies training in terms of both format and scale, with the digital learning path opening up possibilities to reach a much wider audience.
Mercuri’s training approach has revolutionised the way that Campari applies training in terms of both format and scale, with the digital learning path opening up possibilities to reach a much wider audience.
Implementazione di un processo di vendita condiviso da tutto il personale dei negozi, conforme alla mission e alla visione aziendale
LA SFIDA La crisi scoppiata all’inizio del 2020 ha catapultato tutti noi in una ‘’nuova normalità’’. VELUX ha dovuto affrontare
Case Study Ottimizzazione Processi Di Vendita Nel Settore It